- - - Please continue to check this space before you submit your application for additional information. - - -
Project description should be clear and specific. Identified goals should be measurable and doable within the grant performance period.
SIPP should be acknowledged on publications and publicity related to the project.
SIPP will require a written agreement with each grantee committing the grantee to implement their proposal. This agreement will also commit the grantee to provide SIPP with appropriate status reports.
For larger grants, SIPP may withhold a portion of the grant pending successful completion of agreed upon milestones. This will be specified in the agreement.
Projects can involve Israelis and Palestinians or Israeli Arabs (including Israeli Bedouin) and Israeli Jews.
Please send any questions about your application to grants@sipprojects.org by August 29, 2022.
Completed applications should be sent to grants@sipprojects.org prior to the deadline.